RAWvolution: Gourmet Living Cuisine by Matt Amsden
"As renowned raw foods chef Matt Amsden reveals in this vibrant, inspiring book, raw cuisine represents the discovery and innovative use of luscious natural ingredients."
Raw Food Made Easy by Jennifer Cornbleet
"Cornbleet shares her favorite no-cook recipes, in smaller quantities ideal for one or two people. Essential time-saving tips and techniques prove you don t have to toil in the kitchen in order to enjoy nutritious, delicious raw food."
Raw Food/Real World by Matthew Kenney and Sarma Melngailis
"In this lushly photographed book, the authors show that preparing and eating raw does not mean bland, unsatisfying, or impossibly time-consuming meals. They explore a whole new outlook on raw food that transfers beautifully and easily from their kitchen to yours."
The Raw Gourmet by Nomi Shannon
"Shannon opens a door onto a refreshing new world of food preparation...Learn how fresh, non-cooked fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and grains can boost your vitality while lighting up your palate."
Excerpt from the China Study
by T. Collin Campbell, PhD The public's hunger for nutrition information never ceases to amaze me, even after devoting my entire working life to conducting experimental research into nutrition and health. I want to give you a new framework for understanding nutrition and health, a framework that eliminates confusion, prevents and treats disease and allows you to live a more fulfilling life.
David Wolfe on SuperFoods
Raw foods expert and nutritionist David Wolfe talks about the importance of eating 'Superfoods' and the profound health effects on the body. Through his down-to-earth and simple approach, David shows us that no problem is created without a solution and that we DO have the opportunity, right at our fingertips, to make new choices about our lifestyle and take our health back into the power of our own hands.
Enzyme Nutrition: The Food Enzyme Concept by Dr. Edward Howell This book attempts to bring into the light the most important nutritional discovery since vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, and perhaps the only solution to our present health crisis – food enzymes.
Dr. Howe’s conclusion is that many, if not all, degenerative diseases that humans suffer from are caused by excessive use of enzyme deficient foods. Howe proposed that enzymes are the “life force” present in every biological system.
Brian Clement on Blending Foods
Director of Hippocrates Health Institute Brian Clement talks about complex carbohydrates as well as his thoughts on blended foods.
The Hippocrates center was founded by visionary and humanitarian Ann Wigmore and is currently under the leadership of Brian and Anna Maria Clement, PhDs. For a half of a century, the Institute has helped hundreds of thousands of guests realize that good health is every person’s birthright, and that a life free of disease and pain is our human legacy.
Resolving Coronary Artery Disease through Plant-Based Nutrition by Caldwell Esselstyn, MD The world's advanced countries have easy access to plentiful high fat food; ironically, it is this rich diet that produces atherosclerosis. In the world's poorer nations, many people subsist on a primarily plant-based diet, which is far healthier, especially in terms of heart disease. Compelling data from nutritional studies, population surveys, and interventional studies supports the effectiveness of a plant-based diet and aggressive lipid-lowering to arrest, prevent, and selectively reverse heart disease.
Brian Clement Interview
Director of Hippocrates Health Institute Brian Clement talks about sugar addiction, staple foods for optimal health, and taking personal responsibility for your health. He has spent more than three decades studying nutrition and natural healthcare. He has received graduate degrees in both naturopathic medicine and nutritional science. Since 1980 he has directed the Institute's growth and development as well as facilitated the implementation of an array of various progressive natural health treatments.