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Art of Transformations
Hopi Visit Third Mesa
(Coming Soon 2012)
Art of Transformations
Eden Hot Springs
(Coming Soon 2012)
Art of Transformations
Linden, Arizona
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Art of Transformations is a profound lifestyle experience. Our retreat uses the alchemy of raw living foods, movement, sound and other 'bridges to consciousness' to reenergize your body, mind & spirit! Through our conscious experience we manifest our reality. If our consciousness is taxed by worry, doubt, depression, lack-of-passion, our manifest reality will reflect our inner experience. We are all connected to a forgotten memory that resides deep in our heart. It is the memory of a child. The development of our childhood consciousness happens at lightning speed! As children, our experience is one of pure innocence, of manifestation of new experiences, of new curiosity and continual passion for life. As adults, we simply forget. This forgetfulness exists proportionally to the fragmented structures we have created in our thinking. Culture has conditioned us to accept separateness. We create boundaries and limits in how we think and therefore who we ARE. There is a feeling inside that betrays us. We think and act as if we are separate, but we sense inside that we are not. We all want to experience life abundantly and passionately. Our ability to manifest the reality of peace, creativity and passion is simply a process of nurturing certain doorways or bridges to our consciousness. We must let go of a hoped for imaginary future and live each day in the moment. After all, everything we experience within our minds and how we view external reality, is because we are conscious beings. René Descartes said, “Cogito ergo sum” or “I think therefore, I am.” These 'bridges' of food, sound, color, movement, nature, tribe and ceremony are literally the doorways to our consciousness and therefore how we experience life. Our conscious experience is everything … it is the totality of our reality! BRIDGES TO CONSCIOUSNESSThere are 7 bridges to consciousness. Our unhindered approach to these bridges allows us to completely know or be who we are! Take a moment to notice the themes that are associated with each of the bridges.
Because these bridges are to the most sacred part of us, they in and of themselves become sacred practices. The idea is to integrate these various elements into a sacredness around your life that involves, plants as food, plants as medicine, music, movement, stillness, natural world, sound vibration, tribe, ceremony and color. When people begin to incorporate these sacred practices into their lives the gap that people feel with themselves and with each other closes. We realize that we are all interconnected. New relationships begin to emerge and the very way that we interact with each other redefines itself. People work together in collaborative relationships and in sacred communities. We work together to sustain each other. Read the full article Art of Transformations by Ralph Miller > WORKSHOPS & RETREATSArt of Transformations - Hopi Visit Third Mesa
Art of Transformations - Eden Hot Springs