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Art of Transformations
Hopi Visit Third Mesa
(Coming Soon 2012)
Art of Transformations
Eden Hot Springs
(Coming Soon 2012)
Art of Transformations
Linden, Arizona
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WorkshopsArt of Transformations - Hopi Visit Third Mesa
When people begin to incorporate these sacred practices into their lives the gap that people feel with themselves and with each other closes. We realize that we are all interconnected. New relationships begin to emerge and the very way that we interact with each other redefines itself. People work together in collaborative relationships and in sacred communities. We work together to sustain each other.
Read the full article Art of Transformations by Ralph Miller >
On the last day, we will make a day trip excursion to visit Third Mesa on the Hopi reservation. This is part of a work exchange project to help support our Hopi friends. We will spend part of the day with Rena, daughter of Titus Qomayumptewa, working on her family's farm. Grandfather Titus was one of five of the elder prophecy keepers until he passed about 10 years ago at the age of 105. We will learn about the Hopi culture, tribe and sacred traditions while we help with our labor to keep their property running. It will be an honor to feel the presence of their sacred lands.
The name Hopi, or Hopituh Shi-nu-mu, means The Peaceful Ones. If there were a word to describe what Hopi peace is, it would be 'balance'. They are custodians of their prophecies which describe a time in humanity's evolution when we would be grossly out of balance. In their belief, those who live close to the old ways and close the land would be protected during these difficult times. We will visit Prophecy Rock which contains glyphs carved into its face that symbolize their beliefs and prophecies.
"In these times, many of the people will be as hollow vessels. They will not remember their Mother, nor will they be connected to their own spirits. Man will be living as in two worlds, a dream state - one dream ending, another not yet formed. Only those who sought refuge in the mountains, kept away from the sickness, and held the memory of our ancient teachings will have survived. Their numbers will be few." - Grandfather Titus Qomayumptewa, discussing the Hopi prophecies.
The peaceful nature of their traditions, or 'the Hopi way', demonstrates a true connection with tribe and family, and with the earth. In our western cultures we have mostly lost this connection. We have no tribe. We can observe the old ways and find it within ourselves to embody the Hopi way. We do not emulate another culture's traditions, but instead we reawaken the place within our own authentic self where we hold the Hopi way. This is a universal path to one's own truth; that we are all connected with each other.
Check out the article An American Indian Model of the Universe for an interesting read about the Hopi language and culture.
"The Hopi language is seen to contain no words, grammatical forms, constructions or expressions that refer directly to what we call time, or to past, present, or future. Their language and culture conceals a metaphysics, such as our so-called naive view of space and time does, or as the relativity theory does, yet a different metaphysics than either."
As we ourselves began to explore more meaningful ways of living, our home and our lives began to take a different form. By shedding old restrictive ways of living, more dynamic new ways began to emerge. Our home began to feel like a canvas for this expression. Suddenly a home began to feel more like a sacred space or a temple.
People used to live in a way that integrated these 7 different bridges into every aspect of their daily lives. Indigenous cultures live closer to the natural world and are more integrated into their natural world. Song, art and movement are a part of their daily work and routine. Community and ceremony are held in high importance along with work and play. All aspects of these different elements exist in balance and in a natural flow or cadence to their lives. This is simply the expression of human consciousness.
The land itself here feels alive. Ancient artifacts and rock glyphs from the Anasazi can be found nearby. We live just a short drive from the Apache reservation and their sacred mountains. We feel a strong sense of community and connection with others in this place.
We have a fully equipped raw foods kitchen and organic farming operation. Many of the foods that we eat during our stay grow right here on our property. Enjoy full use of the spa facilities and healing therapies that are available to all retreat participants.
Our home is our ongoing exploration of the potential of how people can live … it comes alive when we have others here to share this with!
Our retreat center offers a variety of spa facilities to relax and rejuvenate the mind, body and spirit. It is important to heal and nurture all aspects of who we are. By moving our physical bodies, we are able to relax our mind and emotions. All aspects of our self are inter-connected. Please relax and enjoy our spa; make yourself right at home.
On staff with us is Marina Jessop who will be offering her services of bodywork, massage, iridology and yoga instruction. Included for each retreat participant is one 60 minute massage session with Marina. She brings over 15 years of experience in many different healing modalities and has a true kindness in helping people reconnect with their body.
Here are some of our spa facilities for you to enjoy:
Massage/Bodywork - One 60 minute session is included for each participant. Marina offers a variety of different massage and bodywork techniques and will discuss with each person the best way to work on their body.
Iridology - Iridology is a technique to observe the patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris in order to determine information about a patient's systemic health. Iridologists see the eyes as "windows" into the body's state of health. Sessions are available with Marina by request.
Outdoor Jacuzzi - Our outdoor jacuzzi is available for use anytime. It is heated to 105°F (40°C) and is overlooking the tall pines on our property. Our recommendation is to warm up and relax in the evening under the canopy of stars!
Steam Shower - We have an indoor personal steam shower. It heats up to 120°F (50°C) and is perfect for healing any respiratory issues. Inhale essential oil vapor deeply into your lungs as all the muscles in your body release their tension and relax.
Chi Machine - The Chi Machine enables the body to gently move from side to side in a figure
eight motion. This maximizes the body's natural absorption of oxygen and circulates the lymphatic system. The body has two circulatory systems, one for blood and the other for lymph. Blood is circulated by the heart, whereas the lymph is circulated by physical exercise. If the lymph does not circulate then toxins can build up in the body's tissues.
Aromatherapy - Throughout our home we have essential oils and aromatherapy vaporizers. Our sense of smell is the most powerful of our five physical senses, capable of detecting even the most subtle of changes in the air. We have a Lavender Farm nearby that produces the highest quality medicinal grade lavender oil, second only the high altitude mountain regions of France.
The importance of consuming uncooked fruits and vegetables cannot be understated. Cooked food is depleted of enzymes (the ‘living’ aspect of raw food) and phyto-nutrients. Simply put, viable enzymes in uncooked food are essential to digestion, nutrient transport to the cells, and are literally the energy conductors to our body. Cooking food essentially ‘kills’ natural enzymes. Phyto-nutrients are natural bio-active compounds found in fruits and vegetables essential to healthy living.
We incorporate the philosophy that a raw, uncooked living vegan diet can transform a person’s physical state of wellness and energy no matter what their current diet is. We believe that living food is for everyone!
Sample Menu:
Breakfast: Raw muesli, green juice, wheatgrass
Lunch: Nut pate wraps w/ sprouts, dehydrated kale chips
Dinner: Raw tacos, curry corn salsa, green salad w/ tahini ginger dressing
Juices & Smoothies: green juice, pear kiwi lime, carrot ginger beet
You will learn that raw food is not necessarily restrictive … raw food is exciting! There will be food preparation and demonstrations in our kitchen. All of our fruits and vegetables are organic, much of it locally grown in season. In addition to meals we will have fresh juices, smoothies and snacks throughout the day. You will not go hungry!
Workshop Cost: $580.00 in house, $535.00 camping
This 4-Night Workshop (Friday–Tuesday) includes:
You are welcome to stay a couple of nights before and/or after for $75/night per person, includes accommodation and all meals.
Arrival & Departure: Plan to arrive on Friday and depart on Tuesday; if you are staying additional days communicate with us about your plans.
Transportation: Cost of flights or other travel is not included but we can help organize flights to Phoenix with an optional regional flight directly to Show Low; drive from Phoenix is a scenic 3 hour drive; we will make one airport pickup and drop off by shared van.
We are located in Linden, Arizona (next to Show Low pop. 11,000), a small town located in the White Mountains (3 hours northeast of Phoenix).
The White Mountains of Arizona remain a best-kept-secret travel destination with ample year round activities. Our place is at 6,300 ft elevation on 4½ acres of tall pines (very secluded).
If you want to take a day trip we are a few hours away from many attractions to see in the area: Sedona/Flagstaff, Grand Canyon, Navajo Canyon de Chelly, Apache Mt. Baldy hiking & camping, Hopi petroglyphs, Anasazi cliff dwellings, Red Rocks Lavender Farm, Alpaca Ranch, and many other places.
Art of Transformations
Tunatyava Retreat, Linden, Arizona
Please Contact Us for more information about this experiential retreat.